Monday 1 October 2012

Creative friends...

Some time ago, H from QQ, introduced me to Bex by Design - a lady that does the most amazing things with glass. 

I have a small collection (well if you can call three items a collection), and decided that I would love to 'commission' my own piece of glassware. 

I sent photo's of my current 'collection' to Bex for 'this is what I like' ...... I gave her my budget - suggested anything rainbow would be loved, and left the rest to her.  I have never commissioned anything from a local 'crafter' before - and the excitement of having someone design something especially for me was a mixture of - a small child at Christmas and D getting on a RT 1957 bus!!!! (for those who read my blog!). 

And this is what Bex designed...

Its just wonderful....I did feel a small tear forming in my eye when she showed me the finished result.  Love it!!!

And a small amount of crafting for me over the last few days... a little quilting and a little crochet....

Now off to chase my toilet roll holder....

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