Sunday 7 October 2012

BH Building Work: Week Eight

Week Eight.... well this should have been our completion week ..... we are far from finished.  BUT we are still progressing week by week.  I have to say - although we had time out this weekend from all the stuff going on - I'm actually really fed up of the whole thing now.  With neighbors who are 'finished' and the builders moved to the next job, I am still surprised by the long list of 'snagging' points still to be address for them, and know that I still have this process to go through.

Anyway, progress this week...

Both large bedrooms painted and decorated... just a small amount of touching up.

Large bathroom progressing - slowly....

Small bedroom underway, flooring down, painting started.....

Some wood starting to be put back.....

Two disappointments this week....

Discovery of a 'old' stain in the small spare bedroom, which we now need to add to the list to be investigated.

And major dissapointment to find our wardrobe doors beautifully decorated on the outside but still water marked on the inside - especially after having had the conversation three times and agreement that they were to be replaced.

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear ....sorry its not going smoothly
    Hang in there will all come right!
