Saturday 16 November 2013

Ta Dah: Beanie Hat

Can you guess what it is yet?

A little clue perhaps......

OK, still not sure - a big clue perhaps....

By far the most complicated piece of hooky so far in my very short career!! But it looks about right.....

Yes, still looking OK!

Not just one hat....

Not even two beanie hats......

But three R2D2 Beanie Hats......

I soooooo hope, S aged 6 on Sat, N aged 11 soon to be 12 in December and of course S aged 39 (!!!! Yeah, I know 39!!!!) on Tuesday, will enjoy their birthday surprise!!!!  And please note, made on time - meeting not one but all three deadlines!!! Bonus!!

I'm off to change out of my gold bikini now......and of course remove those current buns from the side of my head!

1 comment:

  1. Smallish boy reading over my shoulder has just quietly said "Mum, I want one...."
    little does he know
