Sunday 16 June 2013

Beach Life....

A lot of me time this weekend.  A Quirky Quilters meeting at A's - and being the completely rebellious group that we are, did Crochet all day!! And with D catching up at work after a busy/short staffed week - I headed straight to the BH when we had finished for the day.

Great progress has been made on the blanket of late - in fact, in truth, far too much progress at the expense of projects that really need to be finished!! However, I am now officially half way.  I would like to say at this particular point in the progression of this project..... I LLLLOOOOVVVVVEEEEEE my (that's my) blanket!!!! Just LOvE it...... 

...... I really need to think about what to do with my ends left when I have darned them in! Such a pretty pile!

Although 'me time' this weekend - I had gone to the BH with the intension of getting a couple of jobs crossed off my list - one of which was to replace the blinds in our bedroom - they have only been sitting on the side for six months now! But done - crossed off! Great satisfaction when I cross stuff off my (very long) list!

I used the 'man tools' without a man again..... I think I may rename 'my tools'!!!!

Curtain tie backs - prettified and hooks put up......

And as the evening had turned out so warm I headed off to the beach......  this is a garden I pass most times to get to the beach .... and I thinks its the best in the village - my goal in life is to have a garden this pretty..... (and to be fair this is only the bit outside on the path!!!!)

And there it is - it sometimes feels like forever since I last saw the sea ... but in fact it was only a few weeks back!  And no one in sight - even better!

Something I did notice tonight was the wild flowers..... never have I seen such a great display in the fours years we have had the BH......maybe it was all the watering they had last year!!

And leaving the beach to head back to the BH was equally colourful.....

This weekend ..... all is well with the world!

1 comment:

  1. simply can not make me jealous! ....
    oh alright then......just a tinsy bit... :(
