Sunday 20 May 2012


I have been very restless this week, I so want to get many of my ongoing projects finished and move onto new things ..... This include ongoing quilting projects and of course house hold projects ... mainly that pesky crack.  I so need the weather to cheer up - I am in desperate need of some proper long term sunshine and warmth. 

The building projects I have no control over and am in the hands of the builders. I just have to be as patient as I can be until things get underway.

Quilting projects I do actually have some control over. I have two quilts on the go at the mo. - one hand and one machine. And as the BH is being used by friends this weekend, I am determine to try and progress my whole cloth quilt by sorting the edging. I WILL NOT start something new or different until this has been pined and tacked (repeat in chalk on a black board 100 times), please, of course, feel free to slap my legs should you see any other quilt appear on here.

So edging... Having cut a small section of the whole cloth quilt last weekend . I had a small melt down mid week, that maybe I had cut it wrong, but luckily a quick chat with HW on Wednesday night put my mind at rest and what I was trying to complete was a 'proper' technique.

So with my heart in my mouth I set about cutting the rest of the quilt....

Then cutting the wadding.....

Pinning and then of course tacking

I have managed to achieve exactly what I needed to achieve this weekend - and the quilt is ready to pick up go when I need it.  I do find that I set myself (sometime huge) goals to achieve, and sometime fail to achieve with great disappointment to myself but this weekend I do feel I have achieved a great deal,  I have set myself a deadline of July 4th to finish this whole cloth quilt - this will be three years to the day that I started the project.  (Note to myself: Yes, three years is a long time, but I have done many other quilts in between and I do actually have quilts that I started more than three years ago still to finish - but I won't say anymore about that little bundle!!!)

Other things done this weekend - using the slow cooker to make a home made curry - won't give you the recipe as I would not make again!!

 Irish stew for D -  one of his favourites - for the freezer!

Car boot sale at St Philomena's - never been before but would definitely go again!  Amazing building and grounds.  One bargain purchased at £2 - body board for the coast - I will of course be testing at some point this summer (NOT) - will leave testing to some little poeple!!!

1 comment:

  1. Feel the fear and cut it anyway!!
    Remember you have all day this Saturday to press onwards - deadline looks easily achievable!! Well done!!
