Wednesday 28 August 2013

Ta Dah: Crochet Blanket

One of the QQ has recently joined another group of creative girls for extra hooky ....... the girls in her hooky group make blankets for Romanian Orphans. They recently put a call out for any wool to help with the continued creation of these blankets - in fact a request for teenage boys colours.  By luck not long after the request, my local charity shop had several bags for sale - so picking them up - most of the balls - shading of blues and bright colours were passed on the new hooky group but I also decided to pick up 10 balls of lilac and 12 balls of mint green.  I decided neither fitted the teenage boy shading request, so thought at some point I could produce a blanket or blankets for another charity - also useful to practice my own hooky!

So back in May......I decided on granny squares - out of each ball, a square as big as I could go. Each ball was 50g.

Several weeks later.... June.

By July I had produced 9 squares, oddly enough of various sizes.  Mainly two sizes 12" through to 13".  I have since discovered that I used two different hooks - both size 4, but the tension (maybe the way I hold the different hooks) was different per hook. Lesson One: Keep to one hook per project.

I 'blocked' each square - this certainly helped however, in hindsight I should have taken much more time with this process - especially as the squares were not all the size.

Boarders were added during July and August - using three more balls. And then the final blanket was 'blocked' again.

Ta Dah....

A liitle wonky (!).  Lesson Two: Spend more time 'Blocking' at each stage.

And then four little decorative flowers were added - I don't want any wool left from this project so the flowers were added to use up the small bits - and to try and make the blanket a little bit special for the new owner.  Although clearly not for a teenage boy, I will pass this to the Orphan group in the hope they can find a little girl to love it!! 

Note: 12 Balls of 50g. Final Size Approx: 47" by 43"

1 comment:

  1. Its gorgeous! I'm sure anyone would love it boy or girl!
