Thursday, 16 March 2017

CCC: Season 3 - Mono 3

God, is it the end of the season yet.......

Third round of the mono prints.....

Three:  Taken at the coast with a long exposure.  Although I like this 'pale' colour of this image, I'm currently experimenting with some High Key images - so will convert to mono and clean the image up.

Three: Final Version - High Key experiment - over exposing on purpose.

Judges Comment: Looks likes three drunkards looking out to see, with hats on (??).  Minimalist image which works well. Liking the 'mist' that surrounds the image. Not everyone's cup of tea.
Score: 10 

Centre Column: Sixth book from the bottom...... well actually fifth by the time I had mounted it - I like the image (which is why I took it). However, it is never going to be a ten - so I've done it my way.... turned into black and white - adjusted as usual. I am really entering this for a bit of a joke, and to highlight the frustrations of being judged!

The light has been lost a little on changing to black and white but you are still able to see it. Printed on to a metallic type paper - I think I may tip the judge over the edge this round!!  It really shouldn't get more than a 5.  I haven't had a five since the first season! Lets see....  

Judges Comment: (Editor: The image could not been seen under the display light, the main hall lights had to be switched on, so the title was very quickly lost) A difficult image to view, you will want to view this one close up. Perhaps a little too much silver. (Editor: There was barely any comment on this image so nothing more to say - other than I just don't think she knew what to do with it.)
Score: 10

Well the score of 10 on the books really does sum it all up - it really should not have got a 10 at all.

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