Thursday, 30 March 2017

CCC: Season 3 - Colour 4

Bosham - Taken at the wrong time of day, and very overexposed.  I've been working on some high key stuff, so was not unhappy that I had overexposed. Time to play. All the usual adjustments in LR - a good crop, shadows, highlights etc - and because of the time of day, I need to add a little warmth to the image.

Final edit: Really pleased with the image - I think perhaps composition could be better. Printed on Permajet Papyrus Classic (300g) - the image looks like a watercolour.  It's printed very tiny - 6cm high - 23cm wide - I think the smallest image I have printed. I perhaps, if time had allowed, would have liked to purchase some A3 and gone for a bigger size in the mount we have to use - 40cm by 50cm.

Judges Comments: Well........ A simple photo with very limited tones. Artistic and creative. The paper works very well in this instance.  The photograph could very well have been painted. A good piece of artwork. Score: 9.5

Morning Light: Sheringham, this light on this morning was grey - with in the space of a ten minute window the light just shone out across the lake and hut. I have a series of about six images where you can see the light changing fast.  Small crop require and a tidy up - and I feel the need to play with this one a little more - as this is the final round, something different perhaps.

Final edit: Added a texture overlay to this one. Pleased with the result. Printed on Permajet Oyster.

Judges Comments: Exhibits artist textures, uniformly applied - giving it a canvas type look. This style exaggerates the colours within the image. The image was very Turneresque.  Liked the 'daring' composition of the image, with the main subject to the far left of the image - giving as much importance to the lamppost and bench - completely off the rule of third. Score: 10

A refreshing evening, and for the first time (I think) the judge getting a little excited about creative images along side technical skill. My first and only 10 this season in the advance colour prints - along side a 9.5. Happy with a good finish.  I have achieved my goal of an average of 8 and will therefore not go back into the intermediate group next season.

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