Friday 28 December 2012

Polka Dot Pegs: Ta Dahhhh

Christmas is here - over the last few weeks I have been busy with Santa's elves making gifts - yes, that's right - I did dress up in green tights and a red pixie hat.  I love to make my gifts but working full time does limited my creative hours!  Next year I will start creative Christmas activities in September!!

Grab some pegs - I found the 'best buy' was Wilkinsons.

Paint heads with gloss paint - I purchased some Humbrol  paint (as I wanted some special colours) but pretty sure a gloss spray paint would work or any gloss paint you have left over from house painting would be good enough.  I gave two coats and the result was much better than just one.

Could just leave as they are, but I went onto add some white polka dots.

Made my dots with a plastic Chinese chop stick.  Came out pretty well!

Ta Dahhhh.  

I just love them ..... just wish I had made more!!!! 


  1. OMG!!!!!!!
    You MADE the pegs!!!!!!!!!

    !!!!!!!!!!!! :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Amazing! You could sell on-line you know ...
