These little gems have been ongoing for a wee while. I enjoyed the making of these enormously .... button, beads and of course Crochet. I hope my enjoyment in making these little gifts are equally enjoyed by the recipients!!
I would love to take all the credit for the design of these Happy Flowers but of course they have come from my favourite blog site Attic24 - link here -
Happy Flower.
Colour, colour and more colour...
Glue, glue and more glue - I have to say I felt about five years old painting with the glue!!
Button, beads and more button - my fun keeps getting better!!!
And here we are....
Some of the QQ are more set in their ways as far as colours are concerned ... at this moment in my life the more the better but for some its purple all the way!
A Sunflower was mentioned some time ago....
One more....
And finally.....
A whole garden of happy flowers.... Ta Dahhh (Goodness - I really should have ironed that sheet before taking the photo!!)
All wrapped and ready to go!