Monday, 31 December 2012

My Creative Year: 2012

I'm a little surprised by the pictures below...if you had asked me what had I done 'creative' wise this year I would have said ..not a lot!!  But I've done much more than I had thought.  Having gone back over my postings for 2012 - it has brought back so many good memories - which is surprising in itself considering the awful year I and everyone I know has had.  Here's to a great 2013 and a bumper creative year for us all!!  Note to self - having re read some of the post over the last 12 months I have decided that I may be a little creative but I cannot spell!!!!











8333396288      8332337309     8333396894
          8333396956     8333397010


8326481226     8326482032     8326482940
8325421685     8325419905     8326484780
8326476910     8325424733     8325425395
A colourful end to an eventful year!!

Molly's Quilt: Ta Dah

My final creative production for 2012, and my first quilt gift of 2013!!  Molly's Quilt...the sister to Lily's Quilt

This one has gone well. although the deadline of Christmas Eve was not made.. the deadline of New Year's Eve for Molly's 7th Birthday has been achieved - after two very late nights!!

Started back in October.... steady progress over the last two months.

A minor hiccup on Friday night, while attaching the binding.  Note to oneself: Well done on keeping every last scrap of material until the project was finished - enough material to 'adapt' to fill the gap!

And after six hours of binding on Saturday night/Sunday morning!!!  Ta Dahhhhhh

Sunday, 30 December 2012

A sad end to 2012.....

The honey jar is empty.....

Roll on Summer 2013 for the bees to produce a bumper harvest!!!

Friday, 28 December 2012

Happy Flowers: Ta Dah

These little gems have been ongoing for a wee while.  I enjoyed the making of these enormously .... button, beads and of course Crochet.  I hope my enjoyment in making these little gifts are equally enjoyed by the recipients!!

I would love to take all the credit for the design of these Happy Flowers but of course they have come from my favourite blog site Attic24 - link here - Happy Flower.

Colour, colour and more colour...

Glue, glue and more glue - I have to say I felt about five years old painting with the glue!!

Button, beads and more button - my fun keeps getting better!!!

And here we are....

Some of the QQ are more set in their ways as far as colours are concerned ... at this moment in my life the more the better but for some its purple all the way!

A Sunflower was mentioned some time ago....

One more....

And finally.....

A whole garden of happy flowers.... Ta Dahhh  (Goodness - I really should have ironed that sheet before taking the photo!!)

All wrapped and ready to go!

Polka Dot Pegs: Ta Dahhhh

Christmas is here - over the last few weeks I have been busy with Santa's elves making gifts - yes, that's right - I did dress up in green tights and a red pixie hat.  I love to make my gifts but working full time does limited my creative hours!  Next year I will start creative Christmas activities in September!!

Grab some pegs - I found the 'best buy' was Wilkinsons.

Paint heads with gloss paint - I purchased some Humbrol  paint (as I wanted some special colours) but pretty sure a gloss spray paint would work or any gloss paint you have left over from house painting would be good enough.  I gave two coats and the result was much better than just one.

Could just leave as they are, but I went onto add some white polka dots.

Made my dots with a plastic Chinese chop stick.  Came out pretty well!

Ta Dahhhh.  

I just love them ..... just wish I had made more!!!!