Leaf Detail: Taken back in March 2016 when playing in the garden. It was printed on wood chip paper by Frame Lizard. I love the detail, but am aware, like all my macro shots it is not sharp throughout. Unedited.
Final: Shadows, highlights, contrast and clarity all used to bring out more detail. The wood chip paper gives it an interesting look.
Judges comment: Lends itself to mono. Hairy leaf and you can see the texture but won't hold interest for very long. Score: 8
In Need of Love. I can't find the raw file for this, placed within LR and then I moved them and LR (or me for that matter) can't seem to re point to the original files. So this is the JPG file, already processed. I'm pretty sure the judge will have something to say about the lack of detail on the left of the image. Taken at an animal sanctuary, where all the animals need new homes, this little donkey just looked really sad. I'm not sure I have captured that, and as the judge won't know the background I'm not sure how it will be viewed. Printed on Permajet Oyster.
Judges comments: Like the composition. Sad little fellow. Lack of details of left - which is a third of the image. Score: 8
This is one I played with , when I took the images - high key detail of the eye. I REALLY like this but don't yet feel confident enough to throw it at a judge.
Oooh I like the edited eye - please throw it at a judge soon!