These images were taken at Sunrise on Saturday, the morning after Black Friday. I watched with disgust at the people on the 10 o'clock news physically fighting each other for end of line TV's at Tesco's stores across the UK. I felt somewhat ashamed to be a human being - how did we become such awful human beings - showing no feeling towards our fellow friends - happy to hit and shout at someone just for a TV. It made me sad.
I decided I needed to take time out from the world for an hour, so decided to head out for sunrise on Saturday morning .... while walking towards the beach front I could see some colour in the sky - so while trying to run, while trying to pull out my tripod legs, I could feel a smile arriving on my face..... On emerging on the steps this is what confronted me. Just for that minute - while drinking in the view and the colours (and I don't think I've really done justice to what I was seeing) all was well with the world. And actually - all was well for the next two hours.....
The first two images are actually taken on my IPhone.....I needed to share quickly.
The following images are taken with the DSLR - a mixture of short and long exposures.
I love these two images....
Do you know what, I don't think I could ever get fed up with this view - I must remember never to take it for granted, and to always remember how incredibly lucky I am to have the opportunity to view it when I can.