Sunday, 22 July 2018

365: Week 29

197: Seed Head

198: Dahila

199: The Postbox

200: The Tree

201: Another Sunny Day

202: British Seaside

203: Dahlia

365: Week 28

190: What goes up must come down

191: HMS Warrior

192: Day Lily

193: Legs Ahoy

194: Bristol to Bath - The Cycle Path - Stupid idea to cycle there and back!

195: The best Gromit Hunters we've met!

196: Gromit Hunting - Day 2

365 - Week 27

183: All that is green

184: Hexagon Hooky

185: Shame about the blade of grass

186: Pond Life

187: Canary Wharf

188: The Lock

189: Wildflower Love

Sunday, 8 July 2018

Shooting Wild Rabbits

The only way to shoot a wild rabbit.....

This little chap gave me some concern, while the others would run off each time I moved closer, this little chap ran nowhere.  On closer inspection with the long lens it looks like he has an eye problem. Unsure if he's been hit at some point or another reason but he looked in a sorry state.

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

365 - Week 26

176: New Boarder

177: Garden Flower

178:  Evening Sun

179: Passion Flower

180: Watering the Flowers

181: Home Grown

182: Retro

365 - Week 25

169: Public Footpath

170: The Balloon

171: Grass

172: Pansy

173: Flower Head

174: Best Foot Forward

175: Humber