Wednesday, 31 October 2012


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Monday, 29 October 2012

BH Building Work: Good News

I have been informed this morning the builder will be finishing on 9th November - keep your fingers crossed everyone!

Quilting, Crochet and no housework....(well ok just a little)!!

I said a little while ago, our autumn hours had started at work - this means for me a 9am start rather than an 8.30am start.  I have for the last few weeks (three I think) got up at the same time - giving me half an hour spare in the mornings - this I have used to clean and tidy the house (well you know the essentials!) but it gives me my whole evening back - well after I've, of course, made D's tea for when he gets home!!  I have also been luckily enough to have nearly two full Sunday's just quilting (well a little bit of gardening and baking to keep me from sticking to the chair - just a little).

Last weekend I managed to complete all my stars for Pink Quilt - Part 2 - Molly's Quilt

Last weekend I managed to piece top together.... 

I have managed to leave a reminder of this quilt on my ironing board!!

Last Wednesday's quilting night was spent working out my quilting patterns - and I have borrowed this template from H - and on Thursday I did a trial run - worked very well - so guess what my job was for Sunday!

A little bit of hooky, thrown in for good measure...

And my little bit of baking Sunday... Honey Flapjacks

Another weekend over - they go so very quickly - far too quick for my liking!

Sunday, 28 October 2012

BH Building Work: Weeks Nine/Ten/Eleven

I am somewhat surprised that my last progress report was 7th October  - really where has the last three weeks gone. 

There has been continued progress, slowly but surely.  I visited on Saturday (27th) to take delivery of our final bed and was much encouraged by the progress I saw.  Although a little disappointed to have been told the night before that we still do not have a working loo! 

The kitchen, has by far, progressed the most since my last visit... walls up, half the floor down - cleared of all the cupboards and rubbish!!  The rest of the flooring is to be finished this week, and cupboards back at the end of the week and next week.

Hallway - cleared of rubbish! It is making such a difference now we have see the floor and walls!

New Rad in the living room!

Family bathroom - so nearly there.  Problems with the fitting of the toilet means we are still without a working loo but we are so nearly there with this one!

New shower - to wash all those sand covered guests we have to stay!!

And our bathroom is now well underway....just a small amount of tiling to finish before the rest of the room can be completed.

Could this bungalow now become a three toilet bungalow??  me think not....

Old doors out...

New doors in!

Also when I left the WR on Saturday morning .. in the dark... and in the (bloody) cold... I left prepared....

Keep calm and carry on ...... drinking tea?!

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Knitting and Stitching Show

I have been looking forward to this show all year.  I have been saving my pennies to purchase some wonderful wool here to start my crochet blanket.  All best laid plans and all that!!!  I had a great day - although gave up mid afternoon, on the third time of getting hit in the face by a ruck sack!!!

Many items were purchased - some to finish existing projects - some to start new ones in the new year - and some just because!!!  However - no wool - not one ball! Don't you just hate that when that happens!!! Go all prepared - have some money tucked away - and then find nothing - as you can see though I didn't some away empty handed!

I loved this old car door - if D ever has a door left over I may try this one myself, one day!

Also saw this - but as I couldn't find any wool - I won't be making this one!!!!

And finally, I have been looking for these cushion kits for some time now - Emily Peacock.  I have been after a Hug or Kiss one - but when looking I found this one! Just thought it was so appropriate at the moment - with the rainbow phase, and everything else going on.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

BH Building Work: Week Eight

Week Eight.... well this should have been our completion week ..... we are far from finished.  BUT we are still progressing week by week.  I have to say - although we had time out this weekend from all the stuff going on - I'm actually really fed up of the whole thing now.  With neighbors who are 'finished' and the builders moved to the next job, I am still surprised by the long list of 'snagging' points still to be address for them, and know that I still have this process to go through.

Anyway, progress this week...

Both large bedrooms painted and decorated... just a small amount of touching up.

Large bathroom progressing - slowly....

Small bedroom underway, flooring down, painting started.....

Some wood starting to be put back.....

Two disappointments this week....

Discovery of a 'old' stain in the small spare bedroom, which we now need to add to the list to be investigated.

And major dissapointment to find our wardrobe doors beautifully decorated on the outside but still water marked on the inside - especially after having had the conversation three times and agreement that they were to be replaced.


It has been a strange week, and I'm not entirely sure why.  Things are changing... is it because we are heading towards winter. I'm not sure.  Our autumn hours have started at work .... slightly different routine to normal.

On my morning walk, this week my surrounding seems to have changed the most.

Attendance of the Regional 2 Quilter Day on Saturday, making me realise that I'm really not achieving very much at the moment.

My walk on the beach Sunday ..... look closely, what can you see?

I'm so ready to get back to normal....whatever 'normal' may be.... routine perhaps?